
Restaurants: Deejai Thai

    Deejai Thai, a long-standing culinary establishment in Charlotte, has been serving delectable Thai cuisine for several years from its two locations in Noda and Meyers Park.

    While the restaurant’s service is often questionable, the quality of their food is undeniably impressive. Upon arrival, you might find yourself wondering if your server, who seems to have disappeared for the last 20 minutes, even placed your order or if they’re secretly hoping you’ll leave. However, once the food arrives, the flavors overshadow the service issues, leaving you satisfied and eager to return, only to question your decision again before the food arrives on your subsequent visits.

    Service: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    As previously mentioned, the service at Deejai Thai can be inconsistent. The restaurant handles a substantial number of takeout orders, which adds stress to the servers, as they manage both dine-in customers and takeout requests.

    To ensure a smoother dining experience, it’s recommended to place your complete order during your initial interaction with the server. Waiting for them to return promptly to take additional orders might be as likely as the Panthers making it to the Super Bowl this year.

    Food: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    The food at Deejai Thai consistently delights with its excellent quality and well-balanced seasoning. My personal favorite is the Pad See Ew, while my partner raves about the delightful Pad Thai, which they describe as 👌.

    PRO TIP: When dining at Deejai Thai, the server will ask you to rate your desired spice level on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. However, don’t be deceived – the spice level can be inconsistent. A 2-star spice on one occasion might give your meal a pleasant, mild zing, while the same spice level on another day could turn your food into molten lava.

    Pad Thai

    Value: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    On the topic of value, some may find the food here slightly overpriced, possibly by about 10%. For instance, the Pad Thai with chicken costs around $20, and in 2023, it’s challenging to determine if this is reasonable or a bit on the higher side. Excuse me if I sound like your boomer grandpa reminiscing about the good old days when he could afford a 2,000 square foot house for a nickel he made collecting soda cans with his friend Timmy.

    Overall, despite some room for improvement in the service and pricing, Deejai Thai’s flavorsome dishes and appealing location make it worth revisiting. So, if you’re in the mood for authentic Thai cuisine, Deejai Thai is a culinary gem to consider exploring in Charlotte.

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